
What You Need to Know About Fashion

Fashion is a science. But how does it get to be so? The answer is simple – by reading up on the different types of fabrics, construction, printing and styles. But what makes one piece of clothing look more elegant than the next? And how can you make your own? There are many things to know about the different styles of clothing. Read on for more details. After reading this article, you’ll be well on your way to a successful fashion career.

Styles of clothing

Fashion is the expression of the individual in clothing and has changed through the years. In some areas, the main styles are still present, though the clothing may be customized according to personal preference. The fashion industry has evolved tremendously over the years, and today, new styles are emerging from coastal and southern areas. In the late 1980s, the emergence of jeans marked a significant trend toward more casual clothing styles. Popular lifestyles such as sports and outdoor activities pushed the popularity of sportswear into everyday life.


In this book, you will discover the many ways in which you can use different kinds of fabric to create your next design. It is written for both students and professionals in the fashion industry. This book provides information on the history and properties of various fabrics and offers tips and advice on how to use them. It is also filled with updated photographs from fashion shows, which illustrate current trends in fashion. Some of the designers featured in this book include Givenchy, Stella McCarthy, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, and Vuitton.


If you’ve ever wondered about how clothes are created, then you have the answer in the book entitled, Construction of Fashion Design. This book combines theory with practical skills and techniques to give students an insight into the creation process. This book walks readers through the steps of garment construction, from material selection to designing the garment’s style. It also includes case studies from leading creative practitioners and detailed step-by-step exercises. With such a comprehensive approach, this book is a must-have for all students studying fashion design and construction.


Digital printing has many benefits for fashion companies. It reduces the amount of fabric needed for a catalog or fashion show, and allows designers to print small runs as needed. By making small runs of garments, they avoid unnecessary waste and can expand production according to demand. Additionally, using digital textile printing technology is environmentally friendly. Epson claims that its printers consume up to 90 percent less water than conventional textile printing methods. In addition to cutting costs, digital textile printing gives designers more creative freedom and more options for design.


Embroidery on clothing is a relatively easy and versatile technique that can add a unique and stylish touch to a garment. The process of sewing and stitching the design is similar to hand embroidery. However, if you are unsure about the placement of the embroidery, you can first draw the design on paper and pin it in position. Once the design is pinned in place, you can try the garment on to check that the embroidery looks nice. Alternatively, you can press a piece of medium weight interfacing onto the back of the fabric and stitch it in place. You should cut the interfacing a bit larger than the finished embroidery.


The Advanced book in the Pattern-drafting for Fashion series is a complete guide to making fashion patterns. Whether you are an aspiring fashion designer or a professional, this practical guide to pattern-drafting will teach you everything you need to know about creating clothing. The series focuses on developing patterns that follow rigorous design rules, so even the most experienced couturiers have to follow the rules to ensure that their designs are as effective as possible.

Adapting to consumer demands

As the world’s population becomes more mobile, fashion players must adapt to the changing lifestyles of customers. The pandemic of the H1N1 virus has forced millions to work at home, and has fueled an explosion in e-commerce. By 2021, 30% of all apparel and footwear sales will come from the internet. With this trend expected to continue, it’s important for fashion players to create new bonds with consumers. As the COVID-19 crisis forces major reshuffles in retail spaces, industry players are turning to direct-to-consumer strategies and reinvention of their stores.